Creating enduring value for all

Creating enduring value for all

Creating enduring value for all

Creating enduring value for all


A Satori investment encompasses more than just capital. Our experience, relationships, and guidance steer leadership teams toward long-term value creation for all stakeholders.

Operating Experience

Satori is led by principals who have built and managed successful companies and multi-billion-dollar investment firms. Leveraging this valuable experience, we provide strategic advice to help our investments grow and succeed.

Long-Term Perspective

Our unique partnership structure and aligned investor base enable us to hold investments indefinitely. We empower and encourage decisions based on a long-term perspective, not short-term pressures.

Conscious Capitalism

We embrace the principles of conscious capitalism, a business approach that emphasizes creating extraordinary outcomes for all stakeholders. We believe conscious businesses are more innovative, less risky, and better positioned for growth.


Our private equity business partners via majority and minority investments with leadership teams of companies with $5 million to $50 million of EBITDA that operate with a long-term perspective, commit to their mission or purpose, and create value for all stakeholders.


Our alternatives investment platform, Satori Alpha, creates and manages customized portfolios designed to meet the unique objectives of sophisticated private investors, family offices, and institutions.


Our thematic strategies include a public equity strategy focused on renewable energy and a business focused on companies developing innovative solutions for mental health.

Our Purpose

We exist to create, fund, and inspire businesses that elevate humanity.

We Believe:

  • Business is the most powerful force for change in the world.
  • Business is good because it creates value; it is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange; it is noble because it can elevate our existence; and it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity.
  • Over the long term, profit is a reflection of value creation for stakeholders, a measure of what was given, not what was taken.
  • How a company behaves is more important than what the company produces. By setting an example of consciousness and inspired leadership, all of a company’s stakeholders are enriched and will bring the approach to their own relationships.
  • Principles – not rules – guide actions, and the spirit of the agreement is more important than the letter of the agreement.
  • Sustainability is more than a department, an initiative, or a report. It is a foundational component of a thriving business.

Satori Capital Featured in “Sum and Substance” Video Series




